Our Mission





Our Aims and Objectives

To encourage the youths, especially Teenagers to have sense of Cultural belonging, inspirational impetus and engage in profitable educational/ vocational Training, Self-reliance, and fulfillment of lifelong careers.

To encourage finance and empower the Youths in the Community, especially youths whose parents (either or both) are of Osogbo Origin.

To assist indigenes of Osogbo, especially the women folks in their period of needs (e.g. Widows, youths Education etc) in accordance with the available resources of the Association

To provide leadership examples to the youths of Osogbo in order to serve as mentors and role models, in the Educational pursuit or career projection in life.

To make positive and indelible impact in the activities taking place in Osogbo and its environs, and to contribute meaningfully towards the success of such activities

To support other activities that may be beneficial to all the members.

To cooperate with any other similar organizations created for the development and the progress of Osogbo.